【《医学世界新闻》1987年4月】 Framing ham心脏研究者,经过两个十年对咖啡消耗量与心血管疾患间的关系研究,认为吸烟是主要因素。不少嗜好咖啡者亦同时嗜烟。研究者认为单纯咖啡不会增加心血管疾患的危险性。这个结果与1985年 Johns Hopkins的研究矛盾。该研究认为每日饮5怀或更多咖啡者,发生心血管疾患的危险性增加3倍。
Medical World News April, 1987 Framing ham, a heart researcher, believes smoking is a major factor after two decades of research on the relationship between coffee consumption and cardiovascular disease. Many addicted to coffee also smoke. Researchers believe that simple coffee will not increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. This result contradicts Johns Hopkins’s 1985 study. The study found that drinking 5 or more coffee per day increased the risk of developing cardiovascular disease three-fold.