这张照片是中国国民党旅欧支部第二次代表会议代表的合影照。时间是1924年的7月,地点在法国巴黎的一家咖啡馆内。在这次会议上,根据国内外形势的需要,决定成立国民党的驻法总支部,以统一处理国民党在法国、德国、比利时及其他欧洲国家的党务。从合影照中可以看出,除了国民党人以外,还有周恩来等共产党和共青团人士,记载了国共两党合作,共同革命的一段历史。异国他乡建立 CY五四运动以后,在华夏大地上掀起了留法勤工俭学高潮。从1919年到1920年的两年间,前后共有近两千名中国各省学子胸怀大志跨出国门,来到法兰西。他们抵法以后,遵循“勤于工作,俭以求学”的原则,进行着工学实践。后来,由于法国战后初期的经济大萧条,以及勤工俭学主办机构华法教育会的处置失当,使中国勤工俭学生深受失学失业的威胁,促使他们产生了联合起来的愿望。至1921年,勤工俭学生共有三次大的行动,即二八运动,以争取求学权、
This photo is a photo of the representative of the second representative conference of the Chinese Kuomintang Travel Europe Branch. It was July 1924 in a cafe in Paris, France. At this meeting, according to the needs of the situation at home and abroad, it decided to establish the Kuomintang’s general branch office in France in order to unite the Kuomintang party’s affairs in France, Germany, Belgium and other European countries. As can be seen from the photo, in addition to the KMT, there are Zhou Enlai and other communists and the Communist Youth League, recorded the KMT’s bipartisan cooperation and common history of a revolution. After the establishment of CY in the foreign land of other countries, the May Fourth Movement set off the climax of the work-study program in China on the vast land of China. From 1919 to 1920, two thousand years ago, a total of nearly 2,000 Chinese students from all provinces traveled abroad and went to France. After they arrived in the law, they followed the principle of “diligent work and frugality to study” and carried out engineering practice. Later, due to the Great Depression of France in the early postwar period and the mismanagement of the China War Law Education Association, the organizer of the work-study program, the work-study students in China were greatly threatened by the loss of school and unemployment, prompting them to create a united desire. By 1921, work-study students had a total of three major actions, the 28th Movement, in order to gain the right to study,