Petrological Implication of the Albite Rims in the Felsic Gneisses of the Fuping Complex

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jeep_lee
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The albite rim is present in most felsic gneisses of the Fuping Complex.The presence of the rim indicates the coexistence of plagioclase and K-feldspar in the rock.The rim is formed immediately after the myrmekite,and both textures were derived from the alteration of K-feldspar.The difference is that that there is no quartz present in the rim,and the rim is nearly albite and the anorthite content of the rim plagioclase is substantially lower than that of the myrmekite plagioclase.Formed at 400-500°C the albite rim was derived from the K-feldspar composition adjustment in the late or post-magmatism stage.As the temperature decreased,the equilibrium between K-feldspar and plagioclase could be maintained,and reactions between the minerals occurred.The leucocratic veins in the complex show distinguished magma or migmatitic characteristics.The rim might form in the late magma or deuteric stage.The formation of the rim implies obvious granitic magma-or melt-injection activity.Typical metamorphic rocks cannot produce the rims.Anatexis after medium-high grade metamorphism might be subordinate.If present,the anatexis is water-present,but the rim texture cannot be taken as the symbol of anatexis. The albite rim is present in most felsic gneisses of the Fuping Complex. The presence of the rim indicates the coexistence of plagioclase and K-feldspar in the rock. The rim is formed immediately after the myrmekite, and both textures were derived from the alteration of K-feldspar.The difference is that that there is no quartz present in the rim, and the rim is nearly albite and the anorthite content of the rim plagioclase is substantially lower than that of the myrmekite plagioclase. Formed at 400-500 ° C the albite rim was derived from the K-feldspar composition adjustment in the late or post-magmatism stage. As the temperature decreased, the equilibrium between K-feldspar and plagioclase could be maintained, and reactions between the minerals occurred. The leucocratic veins in the complex show distinguished magma or migmatitic characteristics. The rim might form in the late magma or deuteric stage. The formation of the rim implies obvious granitic magma-or melt-injection activity. rphic rocks can not produce the rims. Anatexis after medium-high grade metamorphism might be subordinate. If present, the anatexis is water-present, but the rim texture can not be taken as the symbol of anatexis.
本文研究了铌离子注入对锆-4合金在 400℃和500℃、10.3MPa高压釜中蒸汽腐蚀行为的影响。试验结果表明:铌离子注入能够改善锆-4合金抗 400℃和500℃高压蒸汽腐蚀性能,并且,比
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