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去年,我作为十五大的代表,荣幸地参加了我们党在世纪之交召开的这样一次具有伟大历史意义的会议。江泽民总书记的报告是一篇跨世纪的行动纲领,把国有企业的改革和发展提到了前所未有的战略高度,使得我们这些长期工作在企业的同志心里透亮了,思想解放了,胆子更大了。搞好国企的改革和发展,还是要立足于振兴民族的工业。最近,我在《中国资产新闻》上看到一篇文章对民族工业下了这样一个定义:一是产权归我国所有;二是在我国领土上从事生产经营活动;三是主要由我国来管理、决策;四是收益权主要归我国所有;五是使用我国的品牌。文章还强调“5个特征是互相联系、不可分割的”,“只有同时具备了上述5个特征的工业,才是民族工业。”我认为,这篇文章的观点很有道理。我是搞汽车的,我想按照这样5条标准,就民族汽车工业的发展谈一点自己的看法。 Last year, as the representative of the 15th National Congress, I was honored to attend such a historic conference convened by our party at the turn of the century. General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s report is a cross-century program of action that sets the reform and development of state-owned enterprises at an unprecedented strategic height. As a result, these long-term tasks of our enterprise have been brightly lit by the hearts of the comrades in the enterprises. The idea has been liberated and the courage is even greater. To do a good job in the reform and development of state-owned enterprises, we must base ourselves on rejuvenating the nation’s industries. Recently, I read an article in China Asset News that defines the national industry as follows: First, ownership of property belongs to China; second, it is engaged in production and business activities in the territory of our country; thirdly, it is mainly managed by China, Decision-making; Fourth, the right to return mainly owned by our country; Fifth, the use of our brand. The article also emphasizes that “the five characteristics are interrelated and indivisible” and that “only industries that possess the above five characteristics are national industries.” I think the article’s point of view makes sense. I am engaged in the car, I would like to follow these five criteria, on the development of national automotive industry talk about their own views.
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