1 海水养殖业的现状 进入90年代以来,在实施建设“海上烟台”、创建海洋经济强市战略中,以科技进步为动力,不断加大开发力度,调整优化养殖结构,实现了海水养殖的持续、快速发展,支柱产业的地位进一步得到巩固。目前,一个以养殖为主,养殖、增殖并举,全方位、立体化、多层次、综合开发利用的海水养殖格局基本形成。主要特点是:
1 Marine aquaculture status quo Since the 90s, in the implementation of the strategy of building a “maritime Yantai” and creating a strong marine economy, scientific and technological progress has been taken as the impetus and the development efforts have been continuously intensified. The structure of aquaculture has been adjusted and optimized so as to sustain the mariculture , The rapid development of pillar industries has been further consolidated. At present, a pattern of mariculture which takes breeding as its mainstay, breeds and multiplies simultaneously, and makes all-round, three-dimensional, multi-level and integrated development and utilization is basically formed. The main features are: