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上海市市北工业区是在中共中央政治局委员,书记处书记,国务院副总理吴邦国同志关心下建立起来的,它成立于1992年8月18日。新区自开发建设之初就坚持以“科学技术是第一生产力”的论断为指导思想,规划着新区的产业导向。根据市通讯办领导指示精神,新区确定以通讯电子产业为基地,并与上海大学联合创办了高新技术新型的工业园区,得到了国家科委的认定。全国政协副主席,上海大学钱伟长老校长还专门为工业园区题了词。 市级、区属的市北工业新区享受国家级优惠政策,但它又不同于一般的开发区。市北工业新区的开发,规划,经营,管理,是由受政府授权与委托的新区发展总公司全权负责,它是一个集科、工、贸为一体、具备法人资格的综合性实业公司。新区占地面积1.2平方 Shanghai Beibei Industrial Zone was established under the care of Wu Bangguo, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, secretary of the Secretariat, and vice premier of the State Council. It was established on August 18, 1992. Since the beginning of development and construction, the new district has adhered to the guiding ideology of “science and technology are the first productive forces” and planned the industrial orientation of the new district. According to the spirit of the leaders of the City Communications Office, the New District decided to base the communications electronics industry on the base, and jointly established a new high-tech industrial park with the Shanghai University, which was recognized by the State Science and Technology Commission. The Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and the President of Shanghai University, Qian Wei, also specifically addressed the industrial park. The city-level and district-owned Shibei Industrial New Zone enjoys preferential policies at the national level, but it is different from the general development zone. The development, planning, operation, and management of the new industrial city north district are solely responsible for the new district development company authorized and entrusted by the government. It is a comprehensive industrial company that integrates science, industry, and trade into one and has legal personality. The new area covers an area of ​​1.2 square meters