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学前教育公平,首先体现的为幼儿进入幼儿园的机会公平。众所周知,公立幼儿园较之私立幼儿园,因拥有优质的学前教育资源,加上收费便宜,收到广大家长的欢迎,大家都希望把孩子送进这类幼儿园读书。这不仅能让孩子从小享受优质的学前教育资源,不会输在起跑线上,而且能减轻家庭的学前教育支出负担。但是,我国学前教育资源严重不足,尤其是公立幼儿园资源稀缺,供不应求,导致“入园难”、“入园贵”问题凸显。 The fairness of pre-school education, first of all, reflects the fairness of children’s access to kindergarten. As we all know, public kindergartens than private kindergartens, because of high quality pre-school education resources, coupled with cheaper fees, received the welcome of the majority of parents, we all want to send their children to attend such kindergartens. This will not only enable children to enjoy good quality pre-school education resources from childhood, will not lose at the starting line, but also reduce the burden of family pre-school education spending. However, there is a serious shortage of resources for preschool education in our country, especially the shortage of public kindergartens and the shortage of public kindergartens. This has led to the problem of “difficult entry into the park” and “expensive admission to the park.”
依靠职工办企业,应正确处理好以下几个关系。 一、经营者与职工的关系 经营者与职工是公仆与主人的关系。两者是相互依存,相互促进的辩证统一体。没有职工就称不上企业,谁否
The life-cycle eco-footprint computing model of building projects was established in the study. It contained the eco-footprint in 4 aspects during the lifecycle
To optimize the two-phase flow characteristics of flue gas and slurry droplets in spray drying tower,an equalizing plate was installed inside the tower.The Flue