Endovascular interventions for traumatic portal venous hemorrhage complicated by portal hypertension

来源 :World Journal of Radiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasonmcp
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Life-threatening hemorrhage rarely occurs from the portal vein following blunt hepatic trauma.Traditionally,severe portal bleeding in this setting has been controlled by surgical techniques such as packing,ligation,and venorrhaphy.The presence of portal hypertension could potentially increase the amount of hemorrhage in the setting of blunt portal vein trauma making it more difficult to control.This case series describes the use of indirect carbon dioxide portography to identify portal hemorrhage.Furthermore,these cases illustrate attempted endovascular treatment utilizing a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in one scenario and transmesocaval shunt coiling of a jejunal varix in the other. Life-threatening hemorrhage rarely occurs from the portal vein following blunt hepatic trauma .Traditionally, severe portal bleeding in this setting has been controlled by surgical techniques such as packing, ligation, and venorrhaphy.The presence of portal hypertension could potentially increase the amount of hemorrhage in the setting of blunt portal vein trauma making it more difficult to control. This case series describes the use of indirect carbon dioxide portography to identify portal hemorrhage. These further protocols include attempted endovascular treatment utilizing a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in one scenario and transmesocaval shunt coiling of a jejunal varix in the other.
我面前站着的是昨晚让我11点还未入睡打了N个电话的学生,也是上次月考成绩排名在最后的学生。  “你昨晚从什么时候开始头痛的?”我一边收拾办公桌,一边轻声问他。  沉默,他将头扭到一边。  “你昨天为什么不理老师?”我坐下来,直接问他。  沉默,他嘴角开始抽动。  “你对老师有意见?”我接着问第三个问题。  他摇摇头,继续沉默。  “你这样默不作声,那问题解决不了呢!”我心里开始有些急躁了。但我还是
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对行列式搜索法进行了改进,使其能在实数范围内解流固耦合振动方程的特征对,而不必解复特征值.而且计算量与一般的行列式搜索法也差不多. The determinant search method has be