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回族女童教育是宁夏教育的“老大难”宁夏基础教育的“大头”在农村。难点在回族聚居的南部山区,其中最为薄弱的环节是回族女童教育。解放以来,宁夏曾进行过几次大规模的普及初等教育工作。除去当时大环境的因素外,终因相当一部分女童未入学而未能达到预期目的。 1987年我们对全区回族聚居农村回族女童入学情况进行了抽样调查。结果表明,回族女童入学率为79.6%,比回族男童入学率低8个百分点。据对不同经济教育发展水平的6乡18所小学1981年入学的1056名儿童跟踪调查,1981到1986五年间,回族女童读满五年巩固率为40%,流失率为29%,留级率为31%。流失高峰集中在小学一年级和三年级。回族女童大量流失的原因,从教育外部来说,主 Hui girl education is the “hardcore” education in Ningxia Ningxia basic education “big” in the countryside. Difficulties inhabiting the southern mountainous areas inhabited by the Hui people, the weakest link is the Hui girl education. Since liberation, Ningxia has conducted several large-scale popularization of primary education work. Apart from the environmental factors at that time, the final result was that a considerable number of girls were not enrolled in school and failed to achieve their intended purpose. In 1987, we conducted a sample survey of the enrollment of Hui girls living in rural areas in the region. The result shows that the enrollment rate of Hui girls is 79.6%, which is 8% lower than that of Hui boys. According to the survey of 1056 children enrolled in 18 primary schools in 6 townships in 6 townships in 6 townships in different townships in different economic development levels, from 1981 to 1986, the percentage of girl children in the five-year consolidation period was 40% and the loss rate was 29% 31%. Peaks of concentration are concentrated in the first and third grades of primary school. The reasons for the massive loss of Hui girls are, from the outside of education, the Lord
痢特灵具有较广的抗菌谱、临床常用于治疗痢疾及伤寒等疾病。近年来在痢疾合併有溃疡病的患者用痢特灵治疗痢疾时,发现能减轻溃疡病的症状。国内最早于1972年报导痢特 Fura
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