Sliding wear behaviors of electrodeposited Ni composite coatings containing micrometer and nanometer

来源 :Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:paulhujq
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Micrometer and nanometer Cr particles were co-deposited with Ni by electroplating from a nickel sulfate bath containing a certain content of Cr particles. Cr microparticles are in a size range of 1-5 μm and Cr nanoparticles have an average size of 40 nm. The friction and the wear performance of the co-deposited Ni-Cr composite coatings were comparatively evaluated by sliding against Si3N4 ceramic balls under non-lubricated conditions. It is found that the incorporation of Cr particles enhances the microhardness and wear resistance of Ni coatings. The wear resistance of Ni composite coating containing Cr nanoparticles is higher than that of the Ni composite coating containing Cr microparticles with a comparable Cr particle content. The co-deposition of smaller nanometer Cr particles with Ni effectively reduces the size of Ni crystals and significantly increases the hardness of the composite coatings due to grain-refinement strengthening and dispersion-strengthening,resulting in a significant improvement of wear resistance of the Ni-Cr nanocomposite coatings. Micrometer and nanometer Cr particles were co-deposited with Ni by electroplating from a nickel sulfate bath containing a certain content of Cr particles. Cr microparticles are in a size range of 1-5 μm and Cr nanoparticles with an average size of 40 nm. friction and the wear performance of the co-deposited Ni-Cr composite coatings were comparatively evaluated as sliding against Si3N4 ceramic balls under non-lubricated conditions. It is found that the incorporation of Cr particles enhances the microhardness and wear resistance of Ni coatings. wear resistance of Ni composite coating containing Cr nanoparticles is higher than that of the Ni composite coating containing Cr microparticles with a comparable Cr particle content. The co-deposition of smaller nanometer Cr particles with Ni effectively reduces the size of Ni crystals and significantly increases the hardness of the composite coatings due to grain-refinement strengthening and dispersion-strengthening, resulting in a signi ficant improvement of wear resistance of the Ni-Cr nanocomposite coatings.
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