珩齿工艺的应用在我国已有近二十年的历史,目前一般均认为珩齿只能消除轮齿淬火后的氧化皮,提高齿面光洁度,而不能改善齿轮精度,从而限制了珩齿工艺的应用和发展。本文介绍的蜗杆式珩轮珩齿法,通过大量的生产验证,指出这种方法除比齿轮式珩齿法有更高的效率,还能较显著地提高齿轮精度,从而使珩齿工艺得到新的发展。这项研究论文曾在 1979年全国第二届机械加工学会年会上发表,最近两年这项工艺又有新的发展,本刊发表此文,以引起同行的注意,把我国的珩齿工艺水平再提高一步。
The application of honing technology has been in our country for nearly two decades. At present, it is generally accepted that honing gear can only eliminate the oxide scale after tooth hardening and improve the tooth surface finish, but can not improve the gear precision, thus limiting the honing process The application and development. In this paper, the worm honing honing method, through a large number of production verification, pointed out that this method is more efficient than the gear honing method, but also can significantly improve the gear accuracy, so that the gear honing process has been new development of. This research paper was published in 1979 at the Second Annual Meeting of the Society of Machining Processes. In the last two years, there has been a new development in this process. This article has published this article to arouse the attention of peers, Level one step further.