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唐菖蒲(Gladiolus hybridus Hort.)是现在世界各地广泛栽培的优良切花。目前我国唐菖蒲种球满足不了栽培者的需要。为合理利用昆明的气候优势,以培育优良种球为目的,我们从1988年开始用籽球大田培育商品种球的试验。本试验在昆明植物园进行,试验小区土质为山地红壤,pH值6.7;土壤分析全氮0.16%,全磷为0.30%,速效钾9kg/亩。供试品种为‘Spic and Span’(荷兰),‘Traderhorn’(荷兰),‘JAPY’(日本),吉特1号,吉特2号和吉特3号6个品种的籽球,籽球直径均为0.4—0.7cm。 试验地平坦,种植畦宽1.0m,高0.2m,畦间工作行距0.3—0.35m。基肥4,000kg/亩农家肥,并拌入多菌灵3 kg/亩进行土壤消毒。种植沟宽约20cm,深8—10cm,沟距10cm。籽球用25—35℃温水浸一昼夜,晾干后侵入0.4%(W/W)多菌灵溶液中,捞起催芽5天后种植,700粒/m~2,覆土约1.0cm,稍压实,灌水一次。1叶期追氮肥为主(CO(NH_2)_210g/m~2,KC120g/m~2,KH_2PO_410g/m~2),4—5叶期氮肥量减半,磷、钾肥量加倍。除留做观察籽球当年开花的小区外,需及时剔除抽生小花茎,并注意除去混杂种球。 Gladiolus hybridus Hort. Is a fine cut flower widely cultivated around the world. At present, gladiolus bulbs in China can not meet the needs of growers. In order to make good use of the climatic advantages of Kunming and to cultivate excellent bulbs, we started to test commercial hybrid bulbs in 1988 with germination of seed bulbs. The experiment was carried out in Kunming Botanical Garden. The soil of the plot was mountain red soil with a pH value of 6.7. The total nitrogen content in soil was 0.16%, total phosphorus was 0.30% and available potassium was 9kg / mu. The test varieties were Spic and Span (Holland), Traderhorn (Holland), JAPY (Japan), Git 1, Git 2 and Git 3 6 seed, Diameter is 0.4-0.7cm. The test ground is flat, planting width 1.0 1.0m, height 0.2m, 畦 work spacing between 0.3-0.35m. Base fertilizer 4,000kg / mu of manure, and mixed with carbendazim 3 kg / acre soil disinfection. Planting ditch width of about 20cm, deep 8-10cm, trench spacing 10cm. Seed ball with 25-35 ℃ warm water soak for a day and night, dry invade 0.4% (W / W) carbendazim solution, picked up 5 days after germination planted, 700 / m ~ 2, cover soil about 1.0cm, slightly compacted , Irrigation time. In the leaf stage, the amount of nitrogen fertilizer was reduced by half, while the amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was doubled. Apart from observing the flowering area of ​​the seedball in that year, it is necessary to remove the stems of the stems in time and pay attention to removing the hybrid seed balls.
例2 故障现象:碟片转动异常分析检修:通电后,主轴电机即高速旋转,处于失控状态。分析是主轴电机的驱动和控制电路有故障。检查主轴电机驱动电路,查得VT102(2SC338825)击穿损
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工作压力 知道吗? 身体 有时候是很容易上当的。当工 作压力潮水般地压向你时,身体就会出现“对抗或者逃避”的选择,而此种心理异常会迫使身体释放出更多的肾上腺皮质类固醇
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