The Deterioration of the Compson Family——From Character’s Perspective

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The Sound and the Fury is William Faulkner’s greatest work; four narrators tell the story of the deterioration of the Compson family from different perspective, exploring the cause of deterioration indirectly. The novel centers on Caddy’s moral decay from different perspective. The thesis analyzes the processing fall of the Compson family through the analysis of three characters, Caddy, Quentin, and Jason. Caddy’s deterioration is closely related to her loss of virginity, and her impending wedding causes Quentin to commit suicide who loves her deeply and possessively. However, Jason is heartless who he does not care his family. His tragedy lies in the decay of human nature. The thesis gives the general cause of the downfall of the family and readers will have a general concept of the family’s deterioration.
目的 :研究焦虑症患者应激状态下的情绪变化特点及其脑功能活动状况。方法 :对 2 0例未经治疗的焦虑症患者和 2 0例健康人采用瑞文测试进行模拟应激 ,以焦虑状态 /特质询问表
目的:观察当归贝母苦参丸治疗湿热下注型淋证的临床疗效。方法:23例确诊为湿热下注型淋证的患者使用当归贝母苦参丸治疗,均以7 d为1个疗程,连续治疗2个疗程后评定疗效。结果:
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