遗传性共济失调症(FA)患者腱反射减弱或消失已是众所周知,而与此相对应的下颌反射(JR)活跃却从没引人注意.作者检查了13-50岁的21名病人(男13女8),发现全部病人JR皆活跃.讨论 FA的主要病理改变位于脊髓后柱、脊小脑束及皮质脊髓束.腱反射损伤是由于后根、后根节及感觉神经中大的有髓纤维变性损伤了反射弧的传入纤维所致.FA从临床及组织学上都证明有皮质
It is well-known that the tendon reflexes in patients with ataxia (FA) have diminished or disappeared, and the corresponding mandibular reflex (JR) activity has never been noticed. The authors examined 21 patients Male 13 female 8), found that all patients were active in JR. Discussion The main pathological changes FA located in the posterior column of the spinal cord, spinal cerebellum and cortical spinal cord bundle .Retrograde injury is due to the posterior rhizotomy and sensory nerve in the large Myelofibrosis causes damage to the afferent fibers of the reflex arc, and both the clinical and histological evidence of cortical