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由广西师范大学出版社出版的《周介人文存》汇集了原《上海文学》主编周介人 (1942-1998)生前留下的几乎所有批评文字,从中能够发现当代文坛二十年的风云变幻及其精神脉络,更蕴含着一位辛勤的文学园丁为百花争妍的文学春天所付出的智慧和心血。周介人先生作为一代名编,他独具慧眼,呕心沥血,团结和培养了大批风格鲜明的作家和实力不凡的批评家,以对文学事业的不倦热情和殚精竭虑赢得了文坛的敬重。作为一位优秀的文艺理论家和文学批评家,他直面现实,敏于思索,以睿智的眼光捕捉和把握新时期以来的文学流变,形成了自己独特的批评境界和文学尺度。 2005年6月21日,为纪念和追怀周介人先生对新时期文学及《上海文学》发展所作的贡献,由本社举办的《周介人文存》出版座谈会在作协大厅举行。参加座谈会的有王安忆、叶辛、赵长天、赵丽宏、陈思和、徐俊西、王纪人、丁锡满、陈村、蔡翔、殷国明、邹平、杨文虎等作家、评论家二十余人。在会上,大家深情缅怀周介人这位为新时期文学付出毕生心血,鞠躬尽瘁到生命最后一刻的文学园丁,缅怀他在艰难困苦中凸现的那种不屈不挠守护文学理想的品格风范。本刊在这期“宇宙风”栏目特别选登一组发言,以示对周介人先生的怀念。 Zhou Juren’s Manuscripts published by Guangxi Normal University Press collected almost all the criticisms left by Zhou Jiren (1942-1998), former editor of Shanghai Literature, to discover the dramatic changes in the contemporary literary world over the past two decades and its Spiritual context, but also contains a hardworking literary gardener for the contests of literary spring wisdom and effort. As a famous generation, Mr. ZHOU Jiu-Ren is a man of discerning eyes and painstaking efforts, uniting and cultivating a large number of sharp-minded writers and extraordinary critics, who have won the respect of the literary world with his tireless enthusiasm and dedication to the cause of literature. As an excellent literary theorist and literary critic, he confronts the reality and is sensitive to thinking. With his wisdom, he captures and grasps the literature changes since the new era and forms his own unique critical realm and literary standard. On June 21, 2005, to commemorate and recall Mr. Zhou Jiren’s contribution to the development of literature and “Shanghai Literature” in the new era, a symposium on the publication of “Zuijianren Wencun” held by CCS was held in the conference hall. More than 20 writers and critics such as Wang Anyi, Ye Xin, Zhao Changtian, Zhao Lihong, Chen Sihe, Xu Junxi, Wang Ji Ren, Ding Ximan, Chen Cun, Cai Xiang, Yin Guoming, Zouping and Yang Wenhu attended the symposium. At the meeting, all of us deeply cherished the memory of Zhou Jiuren, a literary gardener who dedicated his life to the new period literature and did his utmost to the last moment of his life, and cherished the memory of his unyielding demeanor of preserving literary ideals. Our magazine specially selected a group of speeches in this issue of “Universe Wind” in order to show the memory of Mr. Zhou Jijin.
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