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各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各委办厅局、各直属机构:为了依法保障机构改革中机关分流人员和由机关成建制划转至国有资本营运机构人员(以下称划转人员)的社会保险权益,确保机构改革工作顺利进行,现就机构改革中机关分流、划转人员的社会保险问题通知如下:一、关于参加社会保险的原则在这次机构改革中,从机关分流到自收自支事业单位和企业以及划转的人员,均应按照《劳动法》、《失业保险条例》、《社会保险费征缴暂行条例》和我省的有关规定,参加养老、医疗、失业、工伤等项社会保险,缴纳社会保险费,享受社会保险待遇。 Municipalities, prefectures and counties, people’s governments, provincial government commissions and commissions, and agencies directly under the Ministry: In order to protect the institutional reform in the divestment of organs and agencies into the system of state-owned capital operating agencies transferred to the agency (hereinafter referred to as the transfer of personnel) Social security rights and interests, to ensure the smooth progress of the institutional reform, institutional reforms are now diverted, the issue of social security personnel transfer notice as follows: First, on the principle of participation in social insurance In this institutional reform, diverted from the organs to self-contained Self-employed public institutions and enterprises as well as those transferred shall participate in the programs of endowment insurance, medical care, unemployment, work-related injuries and injuries in accordance with the “Labor Law”, the “Unemployment Insurance Regulations”, the “Interim Regulations on the Collection of Social Insurance Premiums” and the relevant provisions of our province Other social insurance, social insurance premiums paid, enjoy social insurance benefits.
各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,区直各委、办、厅、局: 为加快我区信托机构清理整顿步伐,自治区人民政府决定重新调整广西信托机构清理整顿领导小组。同时,撤销
1.控制白菜不抽薹保持鲜嫩法 2~3月白菜易抽薹开花。为了控制白菜抽薹,要在白菜刚要抽薹而没有抽时把它的蔸子拔动一下,但不要拔起移动,菜薹就不会长出薹来而保持原来鲜嫩状
杨志玖先生离开他一生从事的史学事业,离开我们已经一个月了。大家为失去这样一位德高望重的史学家而哀痛不已。重新阅读先生留下的文字,先生的言容笑貌宛若眼前。1 91 5年1
利用可溶性高聚合物和光感剂材料,采用光刻技术制成了用于彩色液晶显示的彩色滤色膜,并对其进行了光学与色度特性的测量. The use of soluble polymers and photochromic ma