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农办农[2013]19号各省、自治区、直辖市农业(农牧、农村经济)厅(委、局):为进一步推进园艺作物标准园创建活动,切实保障标准园产品质量安全,我部决定2013年继续对蔬菜、水果、茶叶标准园产品开展农药残留监测。现将有关事项通知如下: Nong Bannong [2013] No. 19 Agriculture (Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Rural Economy) Office (Commission, Bureau) of Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities directly under the Central Government: In order to further promote the establishment of a horticultural crop standard park and effectively guarantee the quality and safety of the park’s standard products, the Ministry of Health decided in 2013 Continue to carry out pesticide residue monitoring on vegetables, fruits and tea standard products. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
她叫海蒂·尤伯罗斯(Heidi Ueberroth),2004年她把NBA赛事带入中国,对于中国的NBA球迷,她的贡献绝不亚于他父亲——1984年洛杉矶奥运会商业神话的缔造者、美国奥委会主席彼得
近年来 ,我地区伤寒病例较多 ,本文总结了 1997年 3月— 1999年 10月在我科收治的 48例小儿伤寒病例 ,对比观察了头孢三嗪与氨苄西林对小儿伤寒的疗效 ,结果如下。1 材料与
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