由于我国人民的生活习惯、饮食情况的特点,特别是由于旧社会遗留下来的传染病和寄生虫病流行的影响,所以我国的消化系疾病的发病情况,与苏联和其他国家有所不同。兹将各种消化系疾病的发病情况简要介绍如下: 一、食管疾患食管癌的发病率较高,尤其是在华北地区的农村。男性发病率远较女性为多,比率为5.5—12:1。病人多因下嚥困难来医院求治,一般诊断并不困难。但也有一部分较早期的病例,X线食管检查未能确诊,以后经食管镜检查或症状加重,才被确诊。
The incidence of digestive diseases in our country is different from the Soviet Union and other countries because of the habits and diet of our people, especially due to the epidemics of infectious and parasitic diseases inherited from the old society. The incidence of various digestive diseases will be briefly described as follows: First, the incidence of esophageal cancer esophageal cancer is high, especially in rural areas in North China. Male morbidity is far more than women, the ratio of 5.5-12: 1. Patients due to difficulty swallowing hospital for treatment, the general diagnosis is not difficult. But there are also some earlier cases, X-ray esophageal examination failed to diagnose, after esophagoscopy or symptoms worsened, was diagnosed.