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在现代教育技术不断发展的今天,多媒体技术作为英语教学的辅助手段,被广大教师越来越多地应用到日常教学中。一、多媒体信息技术在英语教学中的优势1.利用信息技术激发兴趣,提升学习效率。托尔斯泰说:“成功的教学所需要的不是强制而是激发学生的兴趣。”兴趣是学生学习的主要动力。多媒体里面包含了大量的声音、图像、动画等元素,声音和形象交融,视觉和听觉交互。多媒体的运用可以使学生身临其 In the continuous development of modern educational technology, multimedia technology as an adjunct to English teaching, the majority of teachers are increasingly used in daily teaching. First, the advantages of multimedia information technology in English teaching 1. Use of information technology to stimulate interest and improve learning efficiency. Tolstoy said: “Successful teaching does not require coercion but rather arouses student interest.” Interest is the primary motivation for student learning. Multimedia contains a lot of sound, images, animations and other elements, the sound and image of the integration, visual and auditory interaction. The use of multimedia allows students to take it personally
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“Afterall展览历史”丛书关于1989年第三届哈瓦那双年展的特辑中刊登了哥拉多·墨斯凯拉(Gerardo Mosquera)所撰写的文章《在全球和本土语境中的第三届哈瓦那双年展》。哥拉
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