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“南笼起义”(1797)不仅是对黔西南地区的官僚、地主、土豪劣绅和土司残余势力的沉重打击,同时也给清军,土弁、乡勇(地主武装)以重创,有力地冲击了清王朝的封建统治。“南笼起义”开创了黔西南地区少数民族人民大规模起义的先例。他们的经验,如隐蔽迅速地发动群众,一致的起义行动,突然的攻击和顽强的战斗精神等,均为50年后的新城“红巾起义”(1854)、贞丰的苗寨抗暴(1856)和各族人民大联合的“白旗起义”(1858 —1872)所吸取、借鉴。“南笼起义”不屈不挠同黑暗世界抗争的坚定意识,一直受到布依族人民乃至各族人民的崇敬,其战斗事迹为各族群众所传颂。 The “Southern Cage Uprising” (1797) not only dealt a heavy blow to the remnants of bureaucrats, landlords, tyrants and tyrants, and chieftains in the southwestern region of Guizhou, but also inflicted heavy losses on the Qing army, Tufan and Xiang Yong The impact of the Qing dynasty’s feudal rule. “Southern cage uprising ” set a precedent for the mass uprising of ethnic minorities in southwestern Guizhou. Their experience, such as the concealed and prompt mobilization of the masses, the unanimous uprising, the sudden attacks and the tenacious fighting spirit, are the new towns in the 50 years after the “Red Scarf Uprising” (1854), Zhenfeng’s Miao Village (1856) and the “White Flag Uprising” (1858-1872), jointly drawn by the people of all ethnic groups. “Southern cage uprising ” Unwavering determination to fight against the dark world has always been venerated by the people of the Buyi people and even the people of all nationalities. Their fighting stories are proclaimed by all ethnic groups.
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在人类世界里,一些人不太讲究餐桌礼仪,令其他人眉头紧皱,心生厌恶。在动物王国,甚至植物家族,忽视餐桌礼仪的家伙比比皆是。苍蝇:先吐后吃苍蝇是大自然的清道夫之 In the h
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摘要:在作文教学中要充分利用情感功能的作用,尽量创设各种情境让学生“动情”;教师要多动脑筋,积极创造条件,想方设法满足学生的表现欲,让他们体会到成功的快乐;教师要结合课文内容,利用多种形式,给学生自由想象、任意发挥的空间,以此丰富学生的想象。  关键词;作文 情感 成功 评改 题材    作文教学是小学语文教学中的重要环节,在整个小学语文教学中,最让老师感到头痛。常听学生诉苦:“作文太难写了,找不
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