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1928年夏,流氓军阀孙殿英在河北省遵化县制造了一起骇人听闻的盗陵窃宝案。所盗的两座墓葬中,一座是清朝乾隆皇帝的裕陵,一座是慈禧太后的东陵。然而,当时的动乱年代中,首犯孙殿英不仅逍遥法外,照旧领兵当官,而且日后步步高升,直至升到先遣总司令;所捕获的重犯谭温江也被保释出狱,继续当他的师长……这种反常现象正是当时社会的真实写照。孙殿英是河南省永城人,本名孙魁元,号殿英,人们大都叫他孙老殿。民国初年,军阀连年混战,割据为王者比比皆是。孙殿英也乘势而起,纠集了一批土匪、赌鬼、烟贩等组成队伍,称雄一方。为谋 In the summer of 1928, the rogue warlord Sun Dian-ying made a terrible case of stealing pirates in Zunhua County, Hebei Province. Among the two stolen tombs, one was Yu Ling of the Qianlong Emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the other was the Eastern Mausoleum of the Empress Dowager Cixi. However, during the turmoil of the time, the first criminal Sun Dianying was not only at large, but also was an officer in charge of the army, and was promoted to the rank of chief advance commander in chief. The captured fiancé Tan Wenjiang was also released on bail and continued as his teacher ... ... This anomaly is the true portrayal of society at the time. Sun Dianying is a native of Henan Yongcheng, his real name Sun Kuiyuan, Hall No. Britain, most people call him Sun Old Hall. In the early years of the Republic of China, the warlords were fighting melee for years and the separatist authorities were everywhere. Sun Dian-ying also took advantage of the momentum and gathered a group of bandits, gamblers, cigarette dealers and other teams, dominating a party. To seek
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宜宾地区档案局和档案学会会员小组于一九八四年七月十七至二十日在筠连召开档案保护技术经验交流会,并现场参观了县档案馆,为此即席留言致意。 The Archives Bureau of Yi
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