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明清鼎革之际,满汉之间政治体制、统治方式、生活方式和经济生活组织方式的矛盾和冲突,构成了满汉文化冲突的主要内容,加剧了顺治和康熙初年的社会矛盾。面对激烈的满汉文化冲突,清初理学既不批判现实,也不反传统,而是致力于社会重建,力图通过合法的渠道,按照儒家的正统模式,重建中国社会伦理道德秩序,并借机恢复自己在意识形态中的独尊地位。在以熊赐履为代表的一批理学名臣真正将理学推向朝廷之后,理学在清朝政治中的影响随之急剧扩大,以理学为代表的儒家思想逐渐成为清朝政权的指导思想,成为清朝社会中占统治地位的官方意识形态,从根本上解决了清初社会政治演变方向问题。在此过程中,清朝政治逐渐完成了从满洲传统政治向中原政治的历史性转型,而皇帝转向儒学,为清朝内部持续数十年的文化纷争画上了圆满的句号,使满汉间全方位的深层次的民族融合成为可能。与之相应,遗民政治态度从复明到重建的改变,则是清初中国社会由乱到治的标志性政治和文化现象。 At the time of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the contradictions and conflicts between Manchurian political system, ruling style, life style and economic living organization formed the main content of the cultural clashes between Manchu and Han, exacerbating the social contradictions of Junji and Kangxi in their first years. In the face of the intense cultural clashes between Manchu and Han, the Neo-Confucianism in the early Qing dynasty did not criticize the reality nor the anti-tradition. Instead, it tried to rebuild the society and sought to rebuild the Chinese social ethics and moral order through legitimate channels and according to the Confucian orthodox model The machine restored its exclusive status in ideology. The influence of Neo-Confucianism in the politics of the Qing Dynasty expanded rapidly after a group of Neo-Confucianists represented by Xiong Ci-Lu really pushed Neo-Confucianism to the court. Confucianism represented by Neo-Confucianism gradually became the guiding ideology of the Qing government, The dominant official ideology in society fundamentally solved the issue of social and political evolution in the early Qing Dynasty. In the process, the Qing government gradually completed its historic transformation from Manchu traditional politics to Central Plains politics, and the emperor switched to Confucianism, drawing a successful conclusion to the cultural dispute that lasted for decades in the Qing Dynasty, Deep ethnic integration possible. Correspondingly, the change of the political attitudes of the descendants from reincarnation to rebuilding was the landmark political and cultural phenomenon of chaos in governing Chinese society in early Qing China.
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目的 总结翼点入路显微外科手术治疗哑铃形垂体腺瘤的经验。方法 27例病人均经翼点入路开颅,在显微镜下解剖基底池,利用脑的自然间隙显露并切除肿瘤。结果 27例病人中获全切
本刊讯(记者陈文静实习生张茜)今年六月,我省举行了首次全省高中学业水平考试。根据省教育厅安排,高中学业水平考 Benxi hearing (Reporter Chen Wenjing intern Zhang Qian