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一直在济南经营的浪潮集团,最近在把研发基地迁到北京的同时,又在广东省建设新的生产基地,动作之大让业界震惊。其实不仅是浪潮一家,从去年底,山东海尔、海信、中创、东方电子等信息企业纷纷南下北上,相继在北京和南方一些信息产业发展的前沿区域兴建信息产业园和建立研发生产基地。 山东信息业巨头南下北上,引起国内IT行业的关注。据悉,在最近公布的 Inspur Group, which has been operating in Jinan for a long time, has shocked the industry when it recently relocated its research and development base to Beijing and built a new production base in Guangdong Province. In fact, not only the wave of a home, from the end of last year, Shandong Haier, Hisense, a record, Oriental Electronics and other information companies have gone south, one after another in Beijing and southern information industry some of the forefront of the construction of the information industry park and the establishment of R & D and production base. Shandong information giant down north, causing concern for the domestic IT industry. It is reported that recently announced
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