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小麦吸浆虫是近年来河牝省主要产麦区回升严重的害虫之一,部分麦田因其危害造成大幅度减产,甚至绝收。经初步研究,危害我省小麦的吸浆虫是小麦红吸浆虫 Sitodiplosimosellana Gehin 属双翅目瘿蚊科。在我省一年发生一代,以虫茧在土中越夏越冬,长达10个多月。活动幼虫为随土温变化而垂直移动,并与小麦生育期相吻合的习性。综合防治包括选用抗虫品种和使用化学农药防治。化学防治要掌握“主攻蛹期,成虫期扫残”的防治策略。田间药效试验表明:用50%甲胺磷或50%辛硫磷或50%DM—合剂(敌百虫加马拉硫磷)等乳剂每亩用药150毫升,加细土20公斤拌匀,于蛹期(4月15日左右)撤施于土内,防治效果均达90%以上,这种方法简便易行,避免污染,可推广应用。成虫期防治,每亩用2.5%溴氰菊酯3000倍或50%乐果乳油1000倍喷雾,或用80%敌敌畏乳剂100毫升,拌麦糠20公斤撒于田间,防治成虫效果均很明显。经在磁县三万亩大面积防治示范,均获得理想效果。小麦品种抗虫性鉴定,初步明确了冀麦20、农大162、西安8号、泰山7号四个品种,小麦红吸浆虫危害粒率仅为0.06~0.31%,抗虫明显可用于生产。 Wheat midge is one of the major pests that ravaged major grain producing areas in Hehuang province in recent years. Some of the wheat fields have caused a sharp reduction in production or even received bad yields. After a preliminary study, the harm of wheat in the province of the midge is the wheat red elephant inhalation Sitodiplosimosellana Gehin is Diptera, Culicidae. In our province a generation occurs a year, with insects and cocoon in the soil in the summer and winter, up to 10 months. Activities of larvae as the temperature changes vertically moving, and consistent with the growth of wheat habits. Comprehensive control includes the selection of insect-resistant varieties and the use of chemical pesticides. Chemical control should master the “main pupal stage, adult stage sweep disabled” prevention and control strategies. Field trials showed that: with 50% methamidophos or 50% phoxim or 50% DM-mixture (trichlorfon plus malathion) and other emulsions per acre medication 150 ml, plus fine soil 20 kg mix, In pupal stage (April 15 or so) removed in the soil, the control effect of up to 90% or more, this method is simple and easy to avoid pollution, and promote the use. Adult stage prevention and control, with 2.5% per million mu of deltamethrin 3000 or 50% dimethoate spray 1000 times, or with 80% dichlorvos emulsion 100 ml, mix wheat bran 20 kg sprinkled in the field, prevention and control of adult effects are obvious. After the Cixian thirty acres of large-scale prevention and control demonstration have achieved the desired effect. Wheat varieties of insect resistance identification, initially identified Jimai 20, Nongda 162, Xi’an 8, Taishan 7 varieties, the harm of wheat pollination rate was only 0.06 ~ 0.31%, insect resistance can be clearly used in the production.
本文从现代植物病理学观念出发,对我国古农学著作中关于植物病害治理措施的记载进行了评述,从栽培上的、物理的、化学的措施几个方面讨论了古代中国的植物病害治理。 Based
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