
来源 :中国职工教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:werr2000
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煤矿企业要把职工职业道德建设作为队伍建设重要内容,列入领导班子重要议事日程,抓在手上。建立健全各级领导干部职工职业道德建设责任制,把职工职业道德建设纳入煤矿企业精神文明建设目标管理,与安全高效矿井建设、生产管理、经营管理工作共同部署、共同考核、共同落实。构建“党委统一领导,行政密切配合,工会组织协调,全员广泛参与”的职工职业道德建设工作格局,形成党政工团齐抓共管职工职业道德建设新局面。煤矿工会在职工职业道德建设工作中,承担着重要职责,各级工会组织要始终坚持全心全意依靠工人阶级方针,努力强化责任落实,建立健全长效机制,创新活动载体,不断加强和创新职工职业道德建设,培育和造就一支“政治强、作风硬、观念新、技术精、纪律严”的职工队伍,为企业发展提供强大的精神动力。 Coal mining enterprises should take the construction of workers’ professional ethics as an important part of team building and include them in the important agenda of the leading group and hold them in their hands. Establish and improve the responsibility system for the construction of professional ethics among leading cadres and workers at all levels, incorporate the construction of workers’ professional ethics into the management of spiritual civilization in coal mining enterprises, and jointly deploy them with safe and efficient mine construction, production management and operation and management so as to jointly assess and implement jointly. Construct a work pattern of professional ethics for workers and staff with the principle of “unified leadership by the party committees, close coordination with the administration, coordination and coordination among the trade unions, and full participation of the entire staff,” so as to create a new situation in which the party and government public security organs work together to control the occupational ethics of employees. Coal mine unions occupy important responsibilities in the construction of workers’ professional ethics. Trade union organizations at all levels should always rely on the guideline of the working class wholeheartedly, make every effort to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities, establish and improve a long-term mechanism and a carrier of innovation activities, and continuously strengthen and innovate employee professional ethics Build, cultivate and bring up a contingent of workers who are strong in politics, hard in style, new in concept, highly skilled and disciplined and provide a powerful spiritual driving force for the development of the enterprise.