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1.东南亚国家用于发电的天然气需求量骤增东南亚地区许多国家的经济在持续地增长。该地区燃气发电厂数量的增加是导致天然气需求量骤增的主要因素。据Wood Mackenzie咨询公司预测,在东南亚一次能源需求量中,天然气的消费量比例将由1980年的仅占4%上升到2010年的24%。据分析家们预计,到2010年,该地区天然气消费量将达到3.4×10~8 m~3/d,而在1980年仅为0.14×10~8 m~3/d。文莱、马来西亚和印度尼西亚在未来20年中将依然是最重要的天然气出口国。到2010年东南亚天然气总产量将由1980年的0.59×10~8 m~3/d上升到4.8×10~8 m~3/d。 Wood Mackenzie公司还指出,到2010年,东南亚工业能源需求量中的25%将由天然气来提供,而在1980年只占11%。这就表明工业能源中的天然气需求量将从1980年的608.9×10~4 m~3/d上升到2010年的8 184.5×10~4 m~3/d。分析家们指出了下列4个能源市场发展处于不同阶段国 1. Sudden increase in demand for natural gas used for power generation in Southeast Asian countries In many countries in Southeast Asia, the economy continues to grow. The increase in the number of gas-fired power plants in the region is a major factor contributing to the surge in natural gas demand. According to Wood Mackenzie Consulting, the proportion of natural gas consumption in primary energy in Southeast Asia will rise from only 4% in 1980 to 24% in 2010. Analysts predict that natural gas consumption in the region will reach 3.4 × 10-8 m 3 / d by 2010, compared to 0.14 × 10-8 m 3 / d in 1980. Brunei, Malaysia and Indonesia will remain the most important natural gas exporters for the next 20 years. By 2010, the total output of natural gas in Southeast Asia will rise from 0.59 × 10 ~ 8 m 3 / d in 1980 to 4.8 × 10 ~ 8 m 3 / d. Wood Mackenzie also notes that by 2010, 25% of industrial energy demand in Southeast Asia will be supplied by natural gas, up from 11% in 1980. This shows that the demand for natural gas in industrial energy will rise from 608.9 × 10 -4 m 3 / d in 1980 to 8 184.5 × 10 -4 m 3 / d in 2010. Analysts pointed out that the following four energy markets are at different stages of development
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