实行紧缩的财政政策 加强宏观调控能力——财政工作要坚决贯彻执行党的十三届三中全会方针

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我国财政工作今明两年的工作总目标是要坚定不移地贯彻执行党的十三届三中全会方针:治理经济环境、整顿经济秩序、全面深化改革。十年来,在党中央、国务院的领导下,我国的财政改革和财政工作取得了很大成绩。同时,也应当看到,由于缺乏经验,宏观控制管理不力等原因,在国家财政领域里,也面临着严峻的形势。不仅中央财政很困难,地方财政也很因难,这就更加重了国家财政治理、整顿、改革的艰巨性。为此,今明两年的财政工作必须严格实行紧缩的财政政策,努力抑制资金需求,压缩财政支出。同时,狠抓经济效益,加强征收管理,增加财政收入。并合理调整分配结构,适当集中资金,增强宏观调控能力,力争把财政赤字压缩到最低限度。 The overall objective of our financial work in the next two years is to unswervingly implement the party’s plenum of the Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee: governing the economic environment, reorganizing the economic order and deepening the reform in an all-round way. Over the past decade, under the leadership of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, great achievements have been made in China’s fiscal reform and financial work. At the same time, it should also be noted that due to lack of experience and ineffective macro-control management, they are also facing a severe situation in the field of state finance. Not only the central finance is very difficult, but also the local finance is also very difficult, which further aggravates the arduousness of state financial governance, rectification and reform. For this reason, the fiscal work in the next two years must be strictly implemented with tightened fiscal policies, and efforts must be made to curb the demand for funds and reduce the fiscal expenditures. At the same time, pay close attention to economic benefits, strengthen the collection management, increase financial revenue. And adjust the distribution structure reasonably, appropriately concentrate the funds, enhance the ability of macro-control and strive to reduce the fiscal deficit to the minimum.
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