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2005年1月13日,河南省组织部长会议在郑州召开。会议的主要任务是,深入贯彻党的十六届四中全会、全国组织部长会议和省委七届八次全会、省委工作会议精神,总结去年的组织工作,安排部署今年的工作任务。中共河南省委副书记陈全国出席会议并讲话,省委常委、组织部长叶冬松作工作 January 13, 2005, Henan Province, the organization of ministers meeting held in Zhengzhou. The main task of the conference was to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, the Ministerial Meeting of National Organizations, the Eighth Plenary Session of the Seventh Provincial CPC Committee and the Provincial Party Committee Work Work Conference, sum up last year's organizational work and arrange for the deployment of this year's task. Chen Quan-kuo, deputy secretary of CPC Henan Provincial Committee, attended the meeting and made a speech. Ye Dongsong, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial CPC Committee and Minister of Organization,
据《楚天都市报》报道 ,2 0 0 2年 8月 2 4日下午 ,湖北省武汉市青山区武汉冶金设备制造公司结构厂内存放有近百只钢瓶的乙炔房起火燃烧 ,发生爆炸。后经消防官兵奋力扑救 ,
Wet carbon-based solid acid and potassium permanganate were used as new reagents for oxidation of alcohols to their corresponding aldehydes and ketones in heter
Two new tetralone derivatives named xylariol A (1) and B (2) were isolated from the EtOAc extract of the culture broth of Xylaria hypoxylon AT-028 (Xylariaceae)
098A/D转换接口在使用中应注意的问题曹保根王云景098微控制器(MicroControlerUnit)是一种准16位单片机,提供了4路10位A/D转换功能。在采用12MHz晶振时,完成一次A/D转换的时间为22μs,这给中低速数据采集系统的开发应... 098A /
三星I6330C采用的是自家的Touchwiz界面,用户操作十分友好,加之CMMB电视功能以及A-GPS的支持,在性能全面与价格亲民之间找到了一个平衡点。 Samsung I6330C uses its own To
As a clean economical and renewable energy source, hydrogen has attracted a lot of research interest over the past years. The cost-effective and safe storage of