Numerical Study of the Forming Process of High Frequency Welded Pipe

来源 :Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao2168644
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The roll forming process is applied to the manufacturing of high frequency welded (HFW) pipes,section steels,etc. In this paper,the roll forming process of the HFW pipe is simulated with the finite element method (FEM). A user-defined material routine of the commercial finite element code ABAQUS/Explicit is developed,and the mixed hardening constitution model is realized through the user-defined material routine. Based on the mixed hardening constitutive equation,the numerical simulation of roll forming process of HFW pipe is performed. The evolutions of equivalent stress and strain are analyzed,and the calculated results are also compared between different hardening models. The results show that the different material hardening models have some important effects on the variation of equivalent stress and strain of strip steel during the simulation of the roll forming process. The roll forming process is applied to the manufacturing of high frequency welded (HFW) pipes, section steels, etc. In this paper, the roll forming process of the HFW pipe is simulated with the finite element method (FEM). A user-defined material routine of the commercial finite element code ABAQUS / Explicit is developed, and the mixed hardening constitution model is realized through the user-defined material routine. Based on the mixed hardening constitutive equation, the numerical simulation of roll forming process of HFW pipe is performed The evolutions of equivalent stress and strain are analyzed, and the calculated results are also compared between different hardening models. The results show that the different material hardening models have some important effects on the variation of equivalent stress and strain of strip steel during the simulation of the roll forming process.
人物简介  陈冲,美籍华裔女演员,1961年生于上海。1979年,凭借电影《小花》红遍大江南北,1981年赴美留学。她是百花奖史上最年轻的影后,并因饰演《末代皇帝》中的婉容,成为迄今唯一一位主演过奥斯卡最佳影片的华人女星。  香港导演关锦鹏评价,陈冲的声音是最具表现力的,赛过梅艳芳、张曼玉等他合作过的所有女星。在他执导的电影《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》中,陈冲扮演“红玫瑰”王娇蕊,声音娇娇糯糯,天真稚气又充
“今天(9月7日)徒步29.2英里/46.99公里;累计徒步604.5英里/972.8公里;今天筹得善款£355.96……”  现任英国内政部副大臣麦克·贝茨勋爵(下文称贝茨)在自己的博客里每日做着类似这样的更新,也吸引着全球的“粉丝”天天围观。  为了纪念一战100周年,贝茨个人发起一个叫“为和平徒步”的行动,8月4日,他从英国伦敦出发,预计10月到达德国柏林。其间,他所募集到的善款将全部捐给德
摘 要:为了幼儿的长远发展,为了孩子们的美好明天,幼儿教育必须创设出符合幼儿年龄和身心发展规律的自主成长空间,使幼儿在自主的学习和活动中观察探索、感知体验、享受快乐、健康成长、全面发展,在有限的童年时光中放飞幼儿未来的希望,谱写辉煌的明天!  关键词:自主环境;幼儿;能力;游戏;活动  现在幼儿对父母的依赖性很强,什么事请都是由父母来包办,甚至到了入学年龄,有的幼儿还不会自己洗手、刷牙,这样的溺爱
高效课堂就是合理地利用课堂40分钟,让教师的导和学生的学相得益彰。 Efficient classroom is the rational use of the classroom for 40 minutes, so that the teacher’s
1 背 景rnEwing在1944年首先提出了听觉注意力分散测试(distract test of hearing,DT)的原则,随后Mc-Cormick在1993年对其进行了改进.DT目前被广泛地应用于听力学临床,并作为