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茶水有浓有淡,人也一样。有的人充满热情去演绎自己的人生,有追求,有梦想,从不停歇,因为他们追求远方的风景;而另一种人每天悠然自得,随遇而安,只愿守住心灵的一方净土。不同的茶味道不同,因为茶叶相异。有的人喜欢红茶,有的喜欢龙井,每一种茶叶就像人的职业,有差别但不能简单地用好与坏来区分。如果你厌倦了自己的工作,想换一份,那么你可以把水倒掉,换上新的水。如果你想改行,那就需要把红茶连茶叶一起倒掉,换上龙井。 There are thick light tea, people are the same. Some people are full of enthusiasm to perform their own life, there is a pursuit, a dream, never stop, because they pursue the landscape of afar; while the other person leisurely day, go with the event, only willing to keep the soul of the Pure Land. Different tea taste different, because the tea is different. Some people like black tea, some like Longjing, each kind of tea is like a person’s occupation, there is a difference, but you can not simply use good and bad to distinguish. If you get tired of your job and want to change it, then you can pour it out and put on new water. If you want to divert, then you need to pour the black tea with tea, put Longjing.
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