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在甘肃省石羊河流域历史水资源开发利用情况简述基础上,结合城镇化进程,提出目前武威市的农业用水来源于祁连山山前水库拦蓄地表水,景电二期延伸工程向民勤所调黄河水及部分地方开采地下水;工业、生活用水均取自地下水,水量供给与天然补给上已处于严重失调状态。就城市地下水源地保护区划分而言,以传统的地下水开采影响半径为基本依据所进行的现代地下水源地保护区划分是不合理、不够科学的,应当在地下水补给、径流、排泄条件分析基础上,将水源地上游整个流域划定为保护区,以永久性解决城市地下水供水中存在的水源地安全问题。另外,针对石羊河流域重点治理规划中的调水方案,比较科学、合理的做法是:应从石羊河流域地下水文地质条件出发,遵循第四世地质历史时期形成的地下水补给、径流、排泄通道,在全流域实施压减灌溉面积、减少地下水开采量的同时,将景电二期延伸工程所调黄河水与祁连山山前部分水库地表水部分地或全部地从石羊河上游———武威盆地上游区域通过灌溉或其它方式下渗,补给进入地下水系统中,最终达到六河水系及下游地下水位停止下降,石羊河下游民勤盆地地下水位持续回升的综合治理规划目标,而不是将水直接调入下游民勤盆地。 Based on the brief description of historical water resources development and utilization in Shiyanghe River Basin of Gansu Province, and combining with the process of urbanization, it is proposed that the agricultural water in Wuwei City is derived from the surface water reserved in Qilian Mountain Piedmont Reservoir. The extension project of Jingde Power Phase II to Minqin Yellow River water diversion and groundwater exploitation in some areas; industrial and domestic water are taken from groundwater, water supply and natural recharge has been in a serious imbalance. For the classification of protected areas of underground water sources in cities, the classification of protected areas of modern groundwater sources based on the traditional radius of influence of groundwater exploitation is unreasonable and not scientific enough. Based on the analysis of groundwater recharge, runoff and discharge conditions On the upper reaches of the water area will be designated as a watershed protection area to permanently solve the urban groundwater supply in the water source of the safety issues. In addition, it is scientific and reasonable to adjust the water diversion plan in the key control plan of the Shiyang River Basin. Based on the hydrogeological conditions in the Shiyang River Basin, groundwater recharge, runoff and drainage formed during the geological history of the Fourth World should be followed. Channel, reducing irrigation area in the whole basin to reduce the amount of groundwater exploitation at the same time, the extension of the second phase of the extension of the Yellow River and the Qilian Mountains part of the reservoir before or part of the surface water from the upper reaches of the Shiyang River --- The upstream area of ​​Wuwei Basin infiltrates into the groundwater system by irrigation or other means and finally enters the target of comprehensive treatment and planning of the six-river system and the groundwater level in the lower reaches to stop falling and the groundwater level in the Minqin Basin in the lower reaches of the Shiyang River continue to rise. Directly transferred to the downstream Minqin basin.
目的 探讨低分子肝素治疗重度妊娠高血压综合征(妊高征)的可行性.方法重度妊高征患者56例,硫酸镁治疗28例(Ⅰ组),硫酸镁+低分子肝素治疗28例(Ⅱ组).检测2组患者治疗前后血中D-二聚体水平、血小板聚集率、血小板计数和凝血酶原时间.结果Ⅱ组患者治疗后血浆D-二聚体水平、血小板聚集率较治疗前明显降低(P<0.05);Ⅰ组患者变化不明显(P>0.05).2组孕妇治疗前后血中血小板计数和凝血酶原时间无
12月美国商用车销量增16.8%据美国汽车行业杂志Wards Auto数据显示,12月,美国中重型商用车(车辆总重量在6.35吨以上的商用车)销量同比增长16.8%。12月份销量增长幅度位居2013
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1 研究背景 糖尿病是全球健康的主要问题。估计中国糖尿病患病人数约 30 0 0万。 2型糖尿病增加某些类型大血管和微血管疾病的危险性。大部分 2型糖尿病患者有高血压 ,血压