
来源 :农业机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nikecb
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S198柴油机采用水冷蒸发方式,由于水汽蒸发,沸水外溢,加上机器出厂时上止点刻痕较浅,使用时间久后,刻线模糊不清,给重新调整供油提前角带来困难。此时可不拆卸缸盖,采取下述方法近似确定上止点的位置: 1.拆下纸插螺栓,以便转动飞轮; 2.卸下缸盖罩壳,转动飞轮使活塞处在压缩行程,把进排气门的 S198 diesel engine adopts water-cooled evaporation method. Due to evaporation of water vapor and overflow of boiling water, as well as upper notch marks of the machine when leaving the factory, the etching time is long and the engraved lines are indistinct, which makes it difficult to readjust the oil advance angle. In this case, do not dismantle the cylinder head, and adopt the following method to approximate the position of TDC: 1. Remove the paper inserting bolt to turn the flywheel. 2. Remove the cylinder cover and turn the flywheel to make the piston compress the stroke. Intake and exhaust valve
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水龙头(底阀)有时会掉到井里,怎样才能把它捞出来呢?河北高阳县沙窝乡东河村浇地公司,自制了一个捞水龙头的小工具,既省钱又好用。 Faucet (bottom valve) sometimes fall i
近年各省市中考物理试题,出现许多“填电表”类的题目.为此,本文介绍一种填“电表”的方法——路径法.若能理解并掌握此法,可提高答题效率. In recent years, examination q
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许多轮式拖拉机驾驶员,习惯将牌照挂在发动机罩壳前部,笔者认为有如下弊病: 1.牌照挂在发动机罩壳前,行驶时,阻止对面来风,影响水箱散热; 2.牌照挂在发动机罩壳前,位置突出,
编辑同志:你们好! 随着农村经济条件的好转和生产责任制的落实,购买各种拖拉机的个体户和联户不断出现。他们主要是在农村土路上行驶,货主运货时又一心想把货物运到离家或到