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河南省洛阳市郊区辣椒研究所经过多年研究,成功地选育出具有早熟,果大、抗病、高产等优点的洛椒系列品种。这是继南京早丰、北京海花、湖南湘南等名椒之后的又一代新秀。现将其中适合我省各地栽培的两个优种介绍如下:一、洛椒4号洛椒4号是微辣型一代杂交新品种。该品种早熟性好,果型大,一般春栽8—10节现蕾开花,秋栽7—8节现蕾开花,且座果率高,不易落花,果实膨大迅速。条件适宜,座果后15—29天即可采收青果,早熟性与极早熟品种早丰、湘研1号相当,但果实大。果实为粗牛角形,果长15—18厘米,单果重一般为60—90克,大的150克以上。抗病毒病,较抗寒,因而适应性广。既宜作早春保护地栽培,也可作春季露地栽培,还可用作麦茬栽培。据河南连续二年多点区试,该品种早期产量较对照品种湘研1号增产37.8%,总产增16.8%,一般亩产4000公斤左右,最高亩产可达5300公斤。二、洛杂2号 Luoyang City, Henan Province, the suburbs of pepper Institute after years of research, successfully bred with early maturity, large fruit, disease resistance, high yield and other advantages of the series of pepper varieties. This is the second generation rookie after Nanjing ZF, Beijing Haihua, Hunan Hunan and other famous peppers. Will now be suitable for cultivation of the two superior species in our province are described below: A, Luojiao 4 No. 4 pepper is a spicy generation of hybrid new varieties. The varieties of good early maturity, large fruit, the general spring planting buds flowering 8-10, autumn planted buds flowering 7-8, and the fruit rate is high, not easy to fall, the fruit swollen rapidly. Suitable conditions, 15-29 days after the fruit can be harvested fruit, precocious and extremely early varieties early abundance, Hunan Research No. 1 quite, but the fruit is large. The fruit is thick horns, fruit length 15-18 cm, fruit weight is generally 60-90 grams, a large 150 grams or more. Antiviral disease, more cold, so wide adaptability. It is not only suitable for early spring conservation cultivation, can also be used for open field cultivation, but also for the cultivation of stubble. According to Henan for more than two years more area test, the early varieties of the varieties compared with the control varieties Hunan Research No. 1 37.8% increase, the total increase of 16.8%, generally about 4,000 kg per mu, the highest yield of up to 5,300 kg. Second, Los hybrid on the 2nd
长期以来我们过分关注了老年人的健康,殊不知,大多数老年性疾病只是长久矛盾的总爆发,根子仍然在中年这里。于是健康之于中年人,便包含了短期和长期两重意义。 For a long t