Using laryngoscope support, laryngeal stoma laser treatment of laryngeal stenosis in 13 cases were observed more than 1 year 4 months. Including congenital throat webs, vocal cord adhesions, bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis, multiple recurrent laryngeal papilloma multiple surgeries ineffective, thyroid cartilage and its internal structure after severe traumatic injury, secondary infection with massive laryngeal granulation growth And scar formation. 13 cases of hoarseness were improved to varying degrees, 12 cases of resumed normal breathing, and the other to use other methods to cure. Therefore, laser treatment of laryngeal stenosis with other surgical methods incomparable superiority. Throat stoma is to treat multiple recurrent laryngeal papilloma and laryngeal severe laryngeal granulation a good way to grow, but must be observed after 2-3 months before closing the larynx