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北京已经正式实施了欧Ⅱ标准,更严格的排放标准不久也将出台。严格的排放标准在改善环境的同时,对国内柴油机也形成了严峻的考验。目前,国内内燃机企业对于达到欧Ⅲ排放标准都十分乐观,认为并不是难以逾越的门槛,但业内专家却十分担忧。国内目前的主要机型是通过增压中冷等改进措施可达到欧Ⅱ标准;但如果不进行脱胎换骨的技术改造,则难以进一部提高排放水平,而这种改造依靠我们自身的实力很难实现。面对我国柴油机的现状,急需引进技术,为达到更高排放标准而努力。2002年12月17日举行的第2届国际车用柴油机技术研讨会,使得我国的柴油机制造商们面对面地与国外专家交流,目的就是使我国的柴油机技术尽快有所突破,以满足越来越严格的排放法规的要求。本刊将关注国外企业和科研机构的发展动态和研究成果,并及时地反馈给大家。本文是SCANIA和戴-克公司发动机研发机构权威人士对其公司未来发动机战略和研究方向的简单介绍,两者观点可能有些出入,编者并没有进行更改,只是希望能对国内的企业有所借鉴。同时,本刊希望国内的企业或专家能参加我们的讨论,畅所欲言,各抒己见,共同探讨适合我国的现代柴油机技术,共同推动我国柴油机技术的发展和进步。 Beijing has officially implemented the Euro II standard, and more stringent emission standards will soon be introduced. Strict emission standards also pose a severe challenge to domestic diesel engines while improving the environment. At present, domestic internal combustion engine companies are very optimistic about achieving Euro III emission standards and believe that it is not an insurmountable threshold, but industry experts are very worried. At present, the main domestic models are Euro II standards through improved measures such as supercharged intercooling; however, it is difficult to increase the emission level if the technical transformation is not carried out. This type of reform depends on our own strength. achieve. In the face of the status quo of China’s diesel engines, it is imperative to introduce technology and strive to achieve higher emission standards. The 2nd International Automotive Diesel Engine Technology Symposium held on December 17, 2002 enabled China’s diesel engine manufacturers to meet with foreign experts face to face in order to make our diesel engine technology breakthrough as soon as possible to meet more and more Strict emission regulations. The journal will pay attention to the development trends and research results of foreign companies and research institutes, and provide timely feedback to everyone. This article is a brief introduction to the future engine strategy and research direction of SCANIA and Dai-ke company’s engine research and development organization. Their views may be different. The editors have not made any changes, but only hope that they can learn from domestic companies. At the same time, the magazine hopes that domestic companies or experts can participate in our discussions, speak freely, express their views, and discuss the modern diesel engine technology suitable for China, and jointly promote the development and progress of diesel engine technology in China.
刘仁山,号仙洞山人。1958 年出生于广东丰顺。现任中国书画名家协会、中国艺术家协会理事;中国书法研究院艺术委员会委员;中国现代文艺出版社、中国网教中心顾问; 香港文联书法家