
来源 :海洋地质与第四纪地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pengpeng91
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1983年4月25日至5月9日,在上海同济大学海洋地质系举办了一次钙质超微化石短训班,由国际著名的超微化石专家、西德法兰克福大学地质古生物系缪勒博士(Dr.Marla Muller)担任主讲,全国地质、石油、海洋局、中国科学院和高等院校的二十多位微体古生物工作者参加了短训班.钙质超微化示分析是海洋地质研究中一种不可缺少的手段,而在我国却直到七十年代末才开始研究.几年来发展相当迅速,目前从新疆地区到太平洋,从京津平原到南海陆架,我国微体古生物工作者都在不同程度上展开了超微化石的研究,经过初步工作已经开始为海区石油勘探和海洋地质研究提供成果.这次短训班正是为促进我国海洋地质研究的这一新领域的发展而举办的.在短试班期间,学员们还进行了相互间的经验交流,第二海洋地质大队、古生物研究所和同济大学等单位的同志,分别就国外超微化石研究现状与动向等方面进行了介绍.大家还注意到,钙质超微化石在国内虽然刚开始研究,但学名、术语译法不一致的现象已经开始出现.为了尽量减少术语使用上的混乱,参加短训班的全体同志经过讨论通过了一个译名统一意见,建议在国内古生物与海洋地质的有关文献中采用: From April 25 to May 9, 1983, a short course of calcareous superficial fossils was held in the Department of Marine Geology, Tongji University, Shanghai. The seminar was conducted by experts from the world-famous ultrafossil fossils, Dr Müller Geology and Palaeontology Department of West Germany University (Dr.Marla Muller) as the speaker, the National Geological, Petroleum, Oceanic Administration, Chinese Academy of Sciences and institutions of higher learning more than twenty micro-paleontologists attended the short training classes. Calcium superficial analysis of marine geological research Is an indispensable means, but in our country, it did not start to study until the late seventies .In the past several years, the development has been quite rapid. At present, from the Xinjiang region to the Pacific Ocean and the Beijing-Tianjin plain to the South China Sea shelf, To some extent, the research on nanofossils has been carried out, and preliminary work has begun to provide results for the research on offshore oil exploration and marine geology, which is being conducted to promote the development of this new area of ​​oceanographic research in China. During the short class, trainees also exchanged experiences with each other. Comrades from the Second Marine Geological Brigade, Paleontology Research Institute and Tongji University, Fossils research status quo and trends were also introduced.We also noticed that although the calcareous nannofossil has just begun to study in China, but the name of the terminology, the phenomenon of translation inconsistencies have begun to appear.In order to minimize the chaos on terminology, All the comrades who participated in the short training class adopted a unified opinion on the translations after discussion, and suggested that they should be adopted in the relevant literature on paleontology and marine geology in China:
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