
来源 :水利电力施工机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binaryaa
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【本刊讯】9月29日,水利电力部杭州机械设计研究所全所职工欢聚一堂,热烈庆祝中华人民共和国建国37周年和水利电力部杭州机械设计研究所建所30周年。邀请到会的来宾有原上海机械设计室创建人吴滨、其它各任所领导叶寿山、赵锡岗、何亦达、胡岩等同志。会上,朱渭定所长、吴滨同志和党委书记沈荣浩讲了话。他们回顾了建所30年来的历程,勉励全所科技人员和职工再接再励,为我国的水电建设事业作出更大的贡献。1956年国庆节前夕,为适应我国水力发电建没的需要,水利电力部在上海建立了水电总局上海机械设计室。在十年浩劫期间的1970年,设计室也遭到了厄运,被宣布撤消,将科技人 On September 29, employees of the Hangzhou Institute of Mechanical Design of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power gathered together to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Hangzhou Machinery Design Institute of the Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity. The guests invited to the conference include Wu Bin, founder of the original Shanghai Mechanical Design Office, and Ye Shoushan, Zhao Xigang, He Yida, and Hu Yan, who are the leaders of the other directors. At the meeting, Director Zhu Rongding, Comrade Wu Bin and party secretary Shen Ronghao made speeches. They reviewed the history of the establishment of the institute for 30 years and encouraged the scientific and technical personnel and workers of the institute to make persistent efforts to make greater contributions to China’s hydropower construction. On the eve of the National Day in 1956, the Ministry of Water Resources and Electric Power established the Shanghai Mechanical Design Office of the General Administration of Waterpower in Shanghai to meet the needs of China’s hydroelectric power generation. In 1970 during the ten years of catastrophes, the design studio was also bad luck and was announced to withdraw.
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职工岗位互换,我从后勤来到政工。初来乍到,人熟事生。科长安排我干些力所能及的事。半年下来,收益多多,感受多多,尤其是那接电话。 一到每月上旬,值班室雍大爷随时都 Inte
该种电机经中国家用电器工业标准化质量检测中心站和广州家用电器研究所以及兵器工业部检测站检测,功率低于35W,总风量大于150M~3,使用值高达5.15 米~3/分瓦,温升低于29℃,
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