蔡丹红 “我们面对的是今天的市场”——访著名营销咨询专家蔡丹红教授

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她嗓音甜美,容貌出众,天生一头卷发,小时候人家都叫她“中国的秀兰·邓波儿”。大学时代,她因为甜美的歌声,伶俐可爱的容貌在校园成为“歌星”。为了更好地深造,她选择攻读中国哲学专业的研究生,从南方水乡到哈尔滨的黑龙江大学刻苦学习三年。1991年,研究生毕业后当上大学讲师的她,放弃了“旱涝保收”的工作,考进了杭州市的一家跨国公司。她作为中国第一代专业营销公司总经理主持策划了著名的“太一工程”获得了当年中国公关金奖;她第一个发明了奶制品动物型包装,第一个创意《太一族的故事》连环画加卡通造型,引领了国内文化促销的新思路。她是坚持用“培训师+咨询师+教授”三位一体模式发展自己的人生。她坚持认为只有这样才能保持永久的证明力。她是中国首届十大杰出培训师。六年来,为数万名职业经理人传授过自己的营销之道。她做过数十家企业的营销战略和管理体系设计项目。亲手撰写的课题报告数百万字。多家企业常年营销顾问和培训师。她还是杭州科技大学的硕士生导师和教授。她服务的企业上百家,多家企业短短的两年中变成行业中的龙头。海南椰树集团总裁王光兴对她的培训的评价是:“案例讲解、学员论答、切合实际、易懂会做。”她咨询策划服务过的企业都说,她的咨询“实用”。她就是被企业称为“实力派专家”,杭州蔡丹红企业管理顾问事务所所长和首席咨询师的蔡丹红女士。 Her sweet voice, looks outstanding, with a natural curly hair, when people were called her “China ’s Shirley. In her college days, she became a ”singer“ on campus because of her sweet voice and lovely appearance. In order to further her studies, she chose to pursue a postgraduate study in Chinese philosophy and worked hard to study at Heilongjiang University in Harbin for three years. In 1991, after graduating as a college lecturer, she gave up her job of ”Hanlaobaowei Bao“ and admitted to a multinational corporation in Hangzhou. She was the general manager of China’s first generation of professional marketing company under the auspices of the famous ”one project“ won the China PR gold; she first invented the dairy animal packaging, the first creative ”too tribal story“ comic strip Canada cartoon shape, leading the new ideas of domestic cultural promotion. She is insisting on developing her own life with the trinity model of ”trainer + consultant + professor“. She insisted that the only way to maintain permanent proof. She is the first ten outstanding trainers in China. For six years, tens of thousands of professional managers have taught their own marketing. She has done dozens of corporate marketing strategy and management system design projects. Written by hand written reports millions of words. Many companies perennial marketing consultant and trainer. She is also a master tutor and professor at Hangzhou University of Science and Technology. She served hundreds of enterprises, a few companies in just two years into the industry leader. Wang Guangxing, president of Hainan Coco Group, commented on her training: ”The case is explained, the participants are realistic and understandable.“ She consulted with planning service companies and said her consultation was ”practical.“ She is known as the ”real power to send experts," Cai Danhong Hangzhou, director of corporate management consulting firm and Chief Consultant, Ms. Cai Danhong.
16ms,12ms,8ms.LCD显示器的响应时间在快速缩短,当我们纵向地观察这个变化过程时,体味到了那么些耐人寻味的东西。 16ms, 12ms, 8ms.LCD monitor response time is rapidly