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课堂教学是一个整体,激发起学生潜在的学习兴趣尤其重要。所以课堂的导入——这个整体的重要组成部分更加关键。本文试从当前中职公共英语教学的现状出发,重点阐述了中职英语教学新课导入的要求和方法。 Classroom teaching is a whole and it is particularly important to stimulate students’ potential interest in learning. So the introduction of the classroom - an important part of this whole is even more critical. This article tries to start from the current status of the teaching of public English in secondary vocational schools, and focuses on the requirements and methods for the introduction of new English teaching in secondary vocational schools.
An older gentleman was playing a round of golf. Suddenly his ball sliced and landed in a shallow pond. As he was As older gentleman was playing a round of golf
A cowboy rode into town and stopped at a saloon(酒吧)for a drink.Unfortunately,the locals always had a habit of picking on(作弄)strangers.When he fi nished A c
芬兰耐斯特石油公司于2008年6月下旬宣布在荷兰鹿特丹建设生物柴油装置,以满足对生物柴油日益增长的需求,这将是其迄今为止投资建设的第4套生物柴油装置。 Nespresso Finlan
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有一位个体户青年,得知广州市场鸭蛋紧缺的信息后,不是简单地把鸭蛋运去,因为千里迢迢运鸭蛋,既易破碎,又不能保鲜。这位青年又了解到广州的饲料价格很便 A self-employed
俗话说,好酒不怕巷子深。其用意一方面是说,过硬的质量能使商品畅销,另一方面也反映了一种封闭式的传统经营方式吧! 据说,美国“可口可乐”公司每年花费1.8亿美元支付广告费