
来源 :羽毛球 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wumujiayou
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北京时间8月31日,2014年世界羽毛球锦标赛女单决赛爆出天大的冷门,从未有过世界冠军、甚至是超级系列赛冠军体验的21岁西班牙姑娘马林(Carolina Marin)居然战胜了奥运冠军、世界排名第一的中国名将李雪芮,这是继前丹麦名将马汀之后,欧洲女选手时隔15年再次夺得羽毛球世锦赛女单冠军。当然,这还算不上新闻的爆炸点,真正“骇人听闻”的是:在一个羽毛球运动仅仅能够勉强生存的国度西班牙,居然飞出了世锦赛金牌,确实是奇迹。马林不仅创造了西班牙体育史上的奇 Beijing time August 31, 2014 World Badminton Championships women’s singles final burst into a big hit, never had the world champion, and even the Super Series champion experience 21-year-old Spanish girl Marin (Carolina Marin actually defeated Olympic champion, the world’s top Chinese star Li Xuerui, which is the former Danish star Martin after European women players once again after 15 years won the World Championships badminton champion. Of course, this is not really the blast point of the news, the real “shocking” is: in a badminton just barely survive in Spain, actually flying out of the World Championship gold medal, is indeed a miracle. Marin has not only created an oddity in the history of Spanish sports
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