Comparison of retrieving methods of ocean wave periods from satellite altimeter with buoy measuremen

来源 :Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ig226
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For validating the results of retrieved mean wave period, four empirical algorithms established previously are introduced. Based on the data of over five years derived from TOPEX satellite altimeter for the entire East China Sea, ocean wave periods were calculated and statistical comparison among them was performed. The retrieved mean wave period obtained with our new distribution parameters showed better agreement with the wave period TB measured by buoy than that calculated by other three algorithms. The difference between the mean values of and that of TB is 0.16 s and the RMSE (root mean square error) of is the lowest value (0.48). For validating the results of retrieved mean wave period, four empirical algorithms established previously are introduced. Based on the data of over five years derived from TOPEX satellite altimeter for the entire East China Sea, ocean wave periods were calculated and statistical comparison among them was performed. The retrieved mean wave period obtained with our new distribution parameters was better agreement with the wave period TB measured by buoy than that calculated by other three algorithms. The difference between the mean values ​​of and that of TB is 0.16 s and the RMSE (root mean square error) of is the lowest value (0.48).
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