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按照我国的立法惯例,一部法律的制定,一般都需较长的时间。然而海岛立法与其他立法过程有些不同,它没有经过较为长期的提出,论证、研究和反复讨论的过程。立法动议在十届一次全国人大会议上一经提出,便很快被列入全国人大常委会立法规划之中。海岛立法之所以在如此短的时间中就完成了从提出立法动议到列入立法规划的过程,主要是源于目前制定这部法律的迫切性和重要性。那么,为什么我国需要制定这样一部法律,制定这部法律的迫切性和重要性又在哪? According to China’s legislative practice, the formulation of a law generally takes a longer period of time. However, the island legislation differs from other legislative processes in that it does not go through the longer-term process of formulation, demonstration, research and discussion. Once the legislative move was made at a session of the Tenth National People’s Congress, it was soon included in the legislative plan of the NPC Standing Committee. In such a short period of time, island legislation has been completed from the legislative motion to the legislative planning, mainly due to the urgency and importance of making this law. So, why does our country need to make such a law, where is the urgency and importance of enacting this law?
伪证罪和贪污罪是律师常遭遇的两种罪名。为什么呢?下面的文章就是答案。 Perjury and corruption are two types of charges often encountered by lawyers. Why? The foll
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2000年,四川泸州法院审结了一起医患纠纷案,适用民法赔偿原则,引出了医疗损害赔偿纷争的大胆尝试。 刚迈进2001年,四川省雷波县暴出新闻,法院适用消费者权益保护法,审结了一
彩民因体彩中心更换新型摇奖机未提前告知一怒之下将体彩管理中心告上法庭。此举引起社会争议:彩票中心换机是否需要提前告知彩民? 而彩民们更关心的是,换机对彩民中奖结果有
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制定 1999.02.08 法律第5825号部分修订 1999.12.31 法律第6073号部分修订 2000.01.12 法律第6143号部分修订 2000.01.21 法律第6194号部分修订 2000.12.30 法律第6329号部
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