
来源 :农村实用工程技术(农业工程) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tiamflying
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一、大棚西瓜栽培要点 1.选用成熟早、节间短、耐低温弱光、耐湿抗病、瓜形整齐和座果率高的品种。江苏常用苏密一号。 2.适时播种,密植栽培。苏南地区一般采用电热温床于2月下旬催芽播种在直径8—10厘米的营养钵内,苗龄40天左右,定植时应有4片真叶。为充分利用空间,采用密植搭架栽培,行距1米,株距0.3—0.4米,每亩1800—2000株。 3.加强温度和肥水管理。定植后的7—10天,使白天晴天棚温维持在28—32℃,以后则保持在23—28℃。阴天除中午前后略行换气外一般可不通风。生长前期要防止棚温过低影响生长,中后期则要适当通 First, the greenhouse watermelon cultivation points 1. Selection of mature early, internodes short, low temperature and weak light resistance, moisture resistance disease, melon neat and high fruit-bearing varieties. Jiangsu commonly used on the 1st. 2. timely sowing, close planting. Southern Jiangsu general electric hotbed in late February germination sowing diameter of 8-10 cm in the nutrition bowl, seedling age of about 40 days, planting should be 4 true leaves. To make full use of space, the use of close planting cultivation, spacing 1 m, spacing 0.3-0.4 m, 1800-2000 strains per acre. 3. Strengthen the temperature and fertilizer and water management. 7-10 days after planting, so that the daytime sunny shed temperature was maintained at 28-32 ℃, later maintained at 23-28 ℃. In cloudy days, except for noises before and after the general ventilation may not be ventilated. Pre-growth to prevent the shed temperature is too low affect the growth, the latter part will have to pass properly
番茄灵,有效成分为对氯苯氧乙酸简称PCPA,是一种新型植物生长调节剂,1985年天津市春播番茄共26,345亩,应用番茄灵沾花保果的达20,022亩,占全市番茄春播面积的76%。 Tomato L