8月份是梨树花芽分化、果实发育的最速期 ,是生产的关键期。据气象部门预测 ,今年8月的降水可能比往年更多 ,这将适宜于病虫害大量发生。加上8月份本来就是梨果实黑星病的染病盛期、黑斑病的发病盛期、黄粉虫的为害最重期 ,还有梨大食心虫、梨小食心虫的重叠为害。因此 ,8
August is the pear flower bud differentiation, the fastest growing fruit is the production of the critical period. According to the forecast by the meteorological department, precipitation in August this year may be more than in previous years, which will be suitable for pests and diseases occur in large numbers. In addition, August was already the peak of pear scab, the peak of black spot disease, the most serious damage of Tenebrio, and the overlap of Pest, Pest, Therefore, 8