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王一川:我们刚从《读书》一九九三年第九期上读到三篇文章,都是海外中国学人所写,集中谈论东方主义或后殖民主义问题,主要依据美国学者爱德华·赛伊德的新作《文化与霸权帝国主义》展开论述。这个问题在海外已成为一个热点。在美国的中国学者如陈小眉、刘康已有专论。而在台港,那里的学者更对此作出了热烈反应。至于大陆,除北大出版社即将出版后殖民主义译文集外,一些学者也已撰文评述,或结合张艺谋“神话”加以分析。这些现象使人感到,“东方主义”问题正在海内外热起来。 Wang Yichuan: We just read three articles from the ninth issue of the “Reading” in 1993. They are written by overseas Chinese scholars and focus on the issues of Orientalism or post-colonialism. They are mainly based on the work of the American scholar Edward Saiy The new German book “Culture and Hegemony of Imperialism” discusses. This problem has become a hot spot overseas. Chinese scholars in the United States, such as Chen Xiaomei, Liu Kang has a monograph. In Taiwan and Hong Kong, scholars there responded even more. As for the Mainland, some scholars have written articles or reviewed them in combination with the “myth” of Zhang Yimou, in addition to the forthcoming publication of the post-colonial translation collection of Peking University Press. These phenomena make people feel that the issue of “Orientalism” is hot at home and abroad.
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