小麥大米發熱生蟲處理辦法 昆明糧食局對尋甸、保山讀者來信之答覆

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尋甸縣果馬鄉征收公粮折征之小麥、■豆,以時屆三伏暑天,發熱生蟲,每日消耗甚大。加以數目過多,又天雨不絕,事實上不能翻晒。當地羣衆均稱:‘這是必不可免的現象,除搶運磨粉外,必遭受重大損失。’聞鄉委會已向上級請示,希有關部門切實注意。(孫光德) 尋甸縣果馬鄉所征收之小麥數十萬斤,入倉時均會仔細檢查。必晒乾揚淨方才過秤,且未收入粿粒春麥。入倉後,更根據各地保管方法精心保護,但最近兩個麥倉仍發現大量麥蟲(麥牛),據此地農民稱:‘此地因氣候和土質關係,雖少量麥子亦只能保管到立秋之前。時間一久,不論用任何方法都不能避免生蟲。極少數之麥種也必須以大量青灰攙拌方可保存到來年’。目前倉存小麥数量龐大,又無法攙拌青灰,眼見日益損耗。本鄉經數次與倉庫管理同志研究,唯一方法只有急速轉請上級派令撥運,碾成麵粉保存。否則必將束手無策,坐觀其嚴重損耗。本鄉除具文立即彙報外,並請貴社急速反映上級,設法處理爲要。(呂世敏) 七月十日我們到保山下村第三號倉看粮的品質時,發现大米裏生蟲(但是米很乾)。我們叫他們翻晒一下,倉庫裏王同志和一位四十多歲的老 Xundian County Guoma Township imposition of grain grain wheat, ■ beans, with the ups and downs of the summer heat, fever, daily consumption of large. Excessive number, but also without rain, in fact, can not turn the sun. The local people all said: ’This is an inevitable phenomenon. In addition to grabbing flour, it will suffer heavy losses. ’Wenxiang Township has requested to the higher authorities, hope the relevant departments to pay attention. (Sun Guangde) Xundian County Mama Township collected hundreds of thousands of pounds of wheat, warehousing will be carefully examined. It will only be dried before the net scale, and did not receive grain grain spring wheat. After warehousing, but also according to the local custody method carefully protected, but the recent two wheat barn still found a large number of wheat (wheat), according to the peasants said: ’here because of climate and soil relationship, although a small amount of wheat can only be kept until the beginning of autumn. Over time, worms can not be avoided by any means. A handful of wheat must also be mixed with a large amount of ash to preserve the coming year. At present, a large number of stored wheat, but also unable to mix the ash, saw the growing loss. The township, after several studies with the warehouse management gratitude, the only way to quickly transfer orders sent higher orders, crushed into flour preservation. Otherwise it will do nothing, sit on the view of its serious loss. In addition to reporting immediately with the text of the village, and invite your rapid response to the higher authorities, managed to deal with. (Lv Shimin) On July 10, when we came to see the quality of grain in the third storehouse of Baoshan Village, we found that there were parasites in the rice (but the rice was very dry). We told them about the sun, the warehouse, Comrade Wang and a 40-year-old
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