Optimal design of the aerodynamic parameters for a supersonic two-dimensional guided artillery proje

来源 :Defence Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunxi1208
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An optimization method is introduced to design the aerodynamic parameters of a dual-spin twodimensional guided projectile with the canards for trajectory correction. The nose guidance component contains two pairs of canards which can provide lift and despin with the projectile for stability. The optimal design algorithm is developed to decide the profiles both of the steering and spinning canards,and their deflection angles are also simulated to meet the needs of trajectory correction capabilities.Finally, the aerodynamic efficiency of the specific canards is discussed according to the CFD simulations.Results that obtained here can be further applied to the exterior ballistics design. An optimization method is introduced to design the aerodynamic parameters of a dual-spin twodimensional guided projectile with the canards for trajectory correction. The optimal guidance algorithm contains two pairs of canards which can provide lift and despin with the projectile for stability. is developed to decide the profiles both of the steering and spinning canards, and their bending angles are also simulated to meet the needs of trajectory correction capabilities .Finally, the aerodynamic efficiency of the specific canards is discussed according to the CFD simulations. Results that obtained here can be further applied to the exterior ballistics design.
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