Q: I have a history of a white-spotted family. I recently drank a lot of drinks because of the hot weather and consumed too much vitamin C to induce white spots. Go to the hospital for examination, the doctor said the family history of leukoplakia, try to eat less foods rich in vitamin C. Vitamin supplements can not improve immunity, why it will induce disease? How to rationalize the vitamin? Xiangtan City, Chen Guowu A: Not according to the actual needs and the provisions of the dose of vitamins, tonic can become “poison ”. Vitamin is divided into two kinds of water-soluble and fat-soluble. After taking water-soluble vitamins, you can excreted with the urine, less toxic, but taking large quantities can damage human organs. For example, E over the normal dose of vitamin C, may stimulate gastric mucosal hemorrhage and the formation of urinary tract stones.