
来源 :青海党的生活 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong563
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如何解决农村党员教育管理难、组织活动难、作用发挥难的问题,让每个党员在“做合格党员”上不掉队,海东市平安区三合镇党委从以下五个方面入手抓党建,成效显著。一是固定党日活动。针对部分党员意识淡薄,不思进取,缺乏先锋模范作用等突出问题,将每个月1号固定为农村党员活动日。活动中,通过学习党章党规和习近平总书记系列讲话精神,引导党员坚定理想信念,让广大党员明底线,知敬畏,自觉约束自身行为。同时,各党支部还自发出钱出力,在村集体荒地种植党员林,现已植树几万株。新安村党支部书记严胜发 How to solve the problems of difficult education and management of party members in rural areas, difficulties in organizing activities and difficulties in playing their role so that each party can not lose its post on the basis of “qualified party members” and the party committee of Sanhe Town in Pingan District of Haidong City starts with the following five aspects Party building, remarkable results. First, fixed party activities. In view of the prominent problems of some party members such as weak awareness, aggressiveness and lack of vanguard and exemplary role, the 1st of each month is fixed as the day for activities of rural party members. In the activity, through studying the spirit of the series of party rules and regulations and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of speeches, we should guide our party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs so that the vast majority of party members will act in a bright light and consciously constrain their own behavior. At the same time, each party branch has also volunteered to contribute money and plant party members to the collective wasteland in the village, and tens of thousands of trees have now been planted. Xin’an Village Party branch secretary Yan Sheng
本文报道了用于测定硝酸胍含量的非水催化测温滴定法。本法与重量法测定结果比较,相对误差在0.18%左右,具有提供结果迅速的优点。 This paper reports a non-aqueous catalyt
《企业会计准则———现金流量表》指南中指出 :“企业编制现金流量表有两种方法 :一是直接法 ;二是间接法。现金流量表中的正表应以直接法编制 ,同时在补充资料中运用间接法