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  Natural ventilation
  According to NKBA,passive cooling is a system whereby a buildings structure(or an element of it)is designed to permit increased ventilation and retention of coolness within the building components. Green Idea defined passive cooling as using passive building strategies to relieve the cooling load of a building by capitalizing on such thing as predictable summer breezes or by shading windows from direct summer sunlight. The term “passive” implies that energy-consuming mechanical components like pumps and fans are not used. Passive cooling is considered an “alternative” to mechanical cooling that requires complicated refrigeration system. By employing passive cooling techniques into modern building,one can eliminate mechanical cooling or at least reduce the size and cost of the equipment. Passive cooling is based on the interaction of the building and its surrounding. Passive cooling strategies are adopted according to the local climate. Also called natural cooling,a passive solar energy technique that allows or augments the natural movement of cooler air from exterior,shaded areas of a building through or around a building.
  Thus in biophilic design Natural ventilation(movement of air,changes in air temperature,airborne scents). The movement of fresh air through a space changes everything. It alters our perception of temperature,changes a static environment into one of subtle movement,and brings the world into our homes through scents carried on the breeze. The orientation of the home provides Cross ventilation in all critical spaces through windows,doors,and operable skylights through which fresh air can circulate. Building ventilation is necessary for supporting life by maintaining acceptable levels of oxygen in the air,to prevent carbon dioxide(CO2)from rising to unacceptably high concentrations and to remove odor,moisture and pollution produced internally. Thermal comfort condition of an interior space depend on how well ventilated the space is. In architectural design the knowledge of microclimatic elements is important in design for natural ventilation:wind and local breezes,sun and shadows,humidity and vegetation can strongly contribute to the thermal well-being of the inhabitants. If these elements are manipulated by the creativity of the architect they often inspire new architectural shapes.   NATURAL LIGHTINING
  The source of natural light is the sun which provided warmth and light,as well as information about time of the day. Bright daylight has medicinal properties,it entrains circadian rhythms,enhances mood,promotes neurological health,and affects alertness. As sunlight passes from the eye to the brain,it affects the entire body from the spine to the pituitary gland,which depends on light for growth. All colors is light,light is energy,and energy affects every cell of the body. For centuries,scientists have known that people depend on sun for physical well- being. The sun catalyzes many metabolic processes,and when we lack exposure to sunlight,some metabolic pathways sit dormant,reducing our ability to burn fat and expel toxins. Research in hospital settings shows that patients in bright rooms recover more rapidly from illness,show reduced pain levels,take fewer strong analgesics,and stay in the hospital fewer days than patients who are in more dimly lit rooms located in locations where nearby buildings block sun penetration. The benefits of sunlight can be experienced in even brief walks outdoors on a sunny day or through design of spaces that integrate daylight and sun into the interior without jeopardizing the thermal comfort of the interiors as seen in plate 2.4. This office building innovatively includes light,water,and vegetation in a deep building interior,purportedly resulting in enhanced worker comfort,morale,and productivity.
  Thus in biophilia design in addition to creating a visually pleasant environment,indoor day light can also enhance the mood,import cognitive functioning,reduces stress and reduce the use of strong pain medicine in hospital settings. Many studied explain the important of day light to the well been of human as such biophilc design embrace passive design to the use of natural lightning in a building. The important of delight as highlights from the "U.S DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY “energy edge” research in coloration with university of Washington. That 90% of the respondent said they like having day light in their workspace. While 83% said they liked the changes in the light both throughout the day and across the season. Also 80% said the amount of daylight it’s just right,while 20% said it’s too little.
  Also Landscaping can be used to enhance a passive cooling system. The use of vegetation to shade a house is a cooling technique that can be very effective. A well-placed plant can deliver effective,cool shade,as well as add to the aesthetic value of a building as well as shade;plants are also effective for cooling because they absorb the heat. Since leaves are generally dark and coarse they reflect very little light,they make ideal solar radiation controllers. Photosynthesis is the way plants convert light into nourishment. During photosynthesis,a process known as evapo-transpiration occurs,in which large amount of water vapor escape through the leaves. That water vapor cools the air passing by it,thus providing a source of cool air for the building.(Givoni,2001). Strategy planting of trees,shrubs and vines about a building and on structures such as pergolas and beam overhangs can,along with urban form,help to modify the microclimate. When correctly applied,the need for internal and external shading devices can be greatly reduced. Selective planting can shade not only windows and other apertures but also whole facades and roofs,reducing conductive as well as radiative heat gains.
  Building shape and massing have great potential to reduce building energy intensity,but they often fall under the influence of a complex array of factors(planning considerations,building type and use,feasibility and initial). Certain common building shapes greatly increase envelope area to volume ratio(e.g.,thin high rise towers),which can decrease building energy performance in heating dominant buildings. With a similar square footage,building with a smaller exterior envelope area will achieve better energy efficient performance. A compact building shape significantly reduces the buildings energy intensity and reduces the need for active mechanical systems. Massing optimization can significantly improve passive performance,often without increasing the capital cost. As one of the first design considerations,the massing of a proposed building must account for orientation and other site- specific conditions.
摘要:土地是农业发展的根本,是人类赖以生存的基础。现阶段我国土地管理中存在的主要问题是土地产权模糊、规划管理滞后、执法力度不够、违规占地严重;明确产权关系、强化规划管理、完善保护制度、加大执法力度是加强我国当前土地管理的对策建议。  关键词:土地管理;问题;对策  一、现阶段我国土地管理中存在的主要问题分析  1、土地产权模糊。根据《中华人民共和国宪法》和《中华人民共和国土地管理法》的规定,中国现
摘要:现在我们的工作要求越来越细化、具体,职工的工作压力也随之增大。当人们开始适应新的工作模式、面对特殊事件等情况时,内心就会自然地激起不愉快的情绪。这种情绪会影响工作开展,从而恶性循环。笔者结合自己经历的、听到的和见到的事例,浅析了对不良情绪管理的见解。  关键词:职工;不良情绪;管理  一、职工不良情绪管理的重要性和必要性  人的认知、能力水平的高低不同是客观存在的,但是每一个人在工作中发挥多
摘要:文章以海峡论坛会址(A1标)吹塡造地工程项目为例,介绍在工程施工中比较容易遇到的软土地基情况,介绍塑料排水板施工工艺在软基加固施工中的应用情况,并提出了相应的质量观测以及沉降观测方法,为同行同类工程施工提供一定的借鉴经验。  关键词:塑料排水板;软基加固;运用  1引言  在目前我国各项工程项目如火如荼开展的过程中,随着工程项目覆盖范围的扩大,工程施工中遇到软土地基问题的概率也在不断增多,给
摘要:在我国社会经济建设中,电力企业在其中发挥着重要的作用,一方面承担着人们的用电以及配电工作,另一方面也担负着国家经济安全的责任。在电力企业发展中,开展党建工作能够为企业的发展指明道路,能够提高企业员工的思想道德素质,进而推動企业的稳定发展。本文先围绕电力企业党建工作的重要性进行阐述,然后对其党建工作所存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应的解决对策。  关键词:电力企业;党建工作;重要性  前言  随
摘要:随着社会经济的快速发展以及城市化进程的加快,我国的城市人口越来越多,使得城市更加拥堵,这种情况下,就需要对城市的交通进行合理的布置。而地铁的出现扩大了交通的利用率,由于地铁车站的人流量较大,为了将其设计的舒适安全,满足人们的需要,地铁车站路面的建筑设计也要结合全面因素进行考虑,促进城市地铁的发展。  关键词:地铁车站;地面建筑设计;技术特点  我国城市化进程的脚步加快,很多农村的人口往城市中
摘要:水资源属于人类赖以生存的资源,由于当前社会生产生活需水度不断加大,导致水资源日益枯竭。地表水属于重要水源,但是由于多种环境问题导致地表水污染问题日益严重。为了全面处理好地表水污染问题,有效改善水资源应用现状,必须优化改进地表水环境监测。此次研究主要是探讨分析地表水环境监测进展与问题,希望能够对相关人员起到参考性价值。  关键词:地表水环境;监测进展;存在问题  地表水是当前人们应用频率最多的
摘要:随着我国“一带一路”倡议以及国内建筑工程技术水平的不断发展,越来越多的建筑企业走出国门,参与到国际工程市场中去。越来越多的安全管理工作者开始参与到国际工程安全管理中来,与各国安全管理人员一道,为保障工程项目顺利实施付出才能和智慧,本文通过剖析境外工程安全管理过程中常见的问题,试探讨在境外工程项目实施中如何对项目安全实施进行有效控制和管理,以达到为项目增值的目的。  关键词;安全管理;境外工程
摘要:机电安装是建筑工程中不能缺少的过程,但是施工的不局限于固定的环节,可以在建筑主体结构施工结束之后开始施工,也可以在建筑开始装修前施工,不管是在哪个环节施工,安装人员都要处理好工程中的协调工作,而且安装的时候,也要按照施工的流程进行。为了能够使安装的质量得到保证,工程的管理人员就要加强监督。不仅如此,还要处理好管道的敷设,只有保证了工程的管理水平,才能稳定安装的质量。  关键词:机电设备;安装